
If you’re thinking about opening your pool this summer, there are a few things to consider before diving in. It can be a complex process that requires you to take some necessary steps and do your research beforehand. To help you with this, we’ve got some tips on how to make sure that your water is ready for all of those warm days and fun swims!

Remove the pool cover

This is a simple, but necessary step to take before you begin opening your swimming pool for the first time. Your pool cover will need to be removed in order for inspectors to check for any damage that may have been done during its use, as well as for new owners who may want to make changes or repairs themselves.

Gather supplies

Gather all of the supplies you might need. You’ll want a test kit, pump, filter and chemicals. You also need a skimmer net or basket that can be used to collect leaves and other debris from the bottom of your pool. Finally, towels are important because they keep everything clean while you’re working on it.

Clean the pool

Next, you have to start cleaning the pool. This can be done using either a pool vacuum or a brush. You should use one of these methods for each section of your swimming pool so that you don’t miss any spots:

  • Use a pool vacuum on all surfaces in the water (this includes inlets and outlets). Make sure not to damage any plumbing pipes or electrical wiring while doing this!
  • Use a brush on top surfaces such as steps, walls and ceilings where dirt may have accumulated over time since last being cleaned.

Find and reseal any cracks

To check for leaks, use a pool leak detection kit. It’s important to do this before you open your swimming pool so that you know what needs fixing. If there are any cracks in your liner or other parts of the structure, they should be repaired as soon as possible.

If you have any plumbing issues with your pool, take them to a plumber right away and make sure all is well with that part of your water system before moving on to other things like checking return lines and skimmers (the basket present underneath most pools).

The decking around most pools can suffer from corrosion over time. This leads to leaks in some areas or breaks where water comes into contact with metal parts such as pipes or braces. You should get these fixed as well.

Check your filter and pump

Before you open your pool, check the filter and pump. The filter should be clean, but if it’s not properly wetted down before use, it could clog or fail to work properly. If this happens, you’ll need to replace it immediately.

The pump should also be checked before opening your swimming pool. It should be working properly and there shouldn’t be any leaks around its base or in its hose connections. If these checks don’t pass muster, then a new one will need replacing as well; otherwise, they can both run smoothly without issue until further notice.

Shock your pool water

Shock treatment is a process that adds air to your Perth fibreglass pool, which helps it stay clean and clear. This can be done with a simple shock chemical or by pumping in additional oxygen-rich air that’s already present in the water supply. It’s important to note that you should only do this if you have an existing filter system and if you don’t already have any algae issues.

Shock treatments should be done twice per year—once in the springtime after opening up your swimming pool for use and another time when winter rolls around again (typically around late December). If possible, try to schedule these two sessions close together so that they don’t interfere with each other too much during their respective seasons.

Test and adjust the water balance

Before you even think about opening your pool, it’s important to test and adjust the water balance. You can do this by adding acid or base to get rid of any excess chlorine or pH levels. If you have too much alkaline in your pool, add calcium (to neutralize). If there is too much acidity in the water, then add base (to increase its pH level).

If all else fails and your pool still doesn’t seem right after testing these solutions out, then consider hiring a professional service provider who can help fix any issues with their expertise and equipment so that when they open up again everything will be perfect.

Maintaining your pool chemistry

After you are done with the above tips and open the pool, you should keep maintaining the pool chemistry. The first step to maintaining your pool is to make sure that the pH of your water is between 7.2 and 7.8. This will ensure that you have enough calcium in the water for good health and the growth of bacteria, which are essential for keeping algae at bay.

Next, take a look at how much chlorine is present in your swimming pool’s water supply. Ideally, you should aim for 1 ppm (parts per million) or less. If the level seems too low to you after testing it yourself with a test kit then go ahead and add more chlorine until there’s no need for additional medication anymore.

Finally, check for calcium levels. They should be between 100-400 ppm at all times. This means that there should never be more than 400 mg/L added into any given week during spring through fall months when most people use their pools most often.


We hope that this guide has been helpful to you as you prepare your pool for the summer. With the above-mentioned tips, you will be able to open your swimming pool the right way and ensure the safety of your loved ones. It is important to ensure that your pool is safe for swimming or else it might lead to financial and medical issues in the long term.

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