Prevent Frozen Pipes This Winter

The effects of burst pipes on a home can be devastating. It is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. Broken or burst pipes usually happen during winter when the temperature drops below freezing. The extreme cold weather causes pipe water to freeze and become ice. As the ice expands, it causes a buildup of pressure in the pipes, which cannot be contained and causes the pipe to burst, according to the National Home Security Alliance.

Burst pipes lead to massive water damage in your residential property and could require a large amount of repair or restoration money. Here’s how you can conserve water and save money.

Follow these easy tips to prevent frozen pipes this winter:

Weatherstrip doors and windows

Seal gaps and holes around your home using caulk or foam spray insulation. Aside from freezing your pipes, allowing the warm air to escape and letting in cold air can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC system. That means costly heating bills for you to pay at the end of the month.

Keep your heating system on

Heating systems are expected to go on full blast during winter to keep homes safe and warm. However, people who have out-of-town trips scheduled in winter might just leave their homes unprotected from harsh weather conditions. The rule is, if you or your tenants will be leaving for days or weeks, make sure heat is maintained throughout your home.

A lot of people may think that leaving the heat on when you’re away is just a waste of energy, adding up to your monthly utility bills. However, the cost you will pay can be more expensive if the cold freezes your pipes, causing them to burst.

Let the water run

You can avoid frozen pipes by turning the faucet on. Letting the faucet drips slightly helps relieve pressure in the system. Running water can be effective at melting ice that starts to build up inside your water pipes.

Insulate your water pipes

One effective way to prevent freezing pipes is to insulate them. Homeowners should focus on insulating pipes located in unheated spaces, including exterior walls, garages, crawl spaces, and attics. There are several ways to insulate water pipes in preparation for winter. You may insulate pipes using strips of pipe wrap or foam sleeves, add wall insulation, or install frost-proof outdoor spigots.

Open interior doors

Keeping interior doors open will allow heated air to flow throughout your entire home. This will keep water pipes warm wherever they are located inside your home. Some plumbing runs through walls inside bathroom or kitchen cabinets, so keeping the cabinet doors open would be a great idea.

Winterize your plumbing with help from a professional

If it’s your first time to spend the winter season in your new home, you might want to ask help from the pros to winterize your plumbing. Don’t take on any minor or major plumbing fixes if you lack the proper skills and tools to perform the job safely. Make sure to schedule professional plumbing maintenance and tune-up before the cold winter air blows.

By Editor

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