
As doom and gloom pervade the mood of many Londoners and investors since the UK collectively – and surprisingly – voted to leave the European Union on June 23rd, it’s refreshing to see a bright new trend hitting the interior design scene – plant and fruit prints.

Strawberry prints have been revived by Sanderson and Wedgewood who are selling patterns and prints on materials, wallpaper and crockery sets that were last seen in the 1960s. Other designers including Coles and William Morris are also in on the Strawberry revival and have a number of items in a variety of colours up for grabs for those of you who are in the mood to brighten up your interiors.

“Strawberries are a perfectly British treat so it’s a great way to brighten up homes up and down the country,” said Newington Green estate agent, M&M property. “They don’t just taste great they look lovely too so would make a great addition as a small detail or larger feature in any home.”

The fruity trend comes hot on the heels of the rise in popularity of the cactus print that was seen in June. Another bright colour, the cactus stems from the ‘tropical’ themes that have been increasingly on show during the spring months.

While the bright and colourful prints are proving a hit with do-it-yourself interior designers who are either looking to spruce up a room or re-decorate their entire home, it’s unsure whether some of the UK’s most well-known designers would be so keen on adding them to their own designs.

Kelly Hoppen, one of the UK’s most successful interior designers who has had great success both at home and abroad, is unlikely to be a fan. Ms. Hoppen is known for her preference for muted colours and clean lines and while some would argue that a pale and simple design could benefit from some brightness, strawberries and cactus prints might just be a step too far.

“Interior design can be very personal so some DIYers would love to brighten up their home with some fun prints,” said Shoreditch Estate agent, Peach Properties. “But, for those with a very well-honed sense of style, they might not be such a welcome trend.”

Meanwhile, one famous residence undergoing a re-decoration that is unlikely to be adorned with strawberries and cacti is No. 10 Downing Street. As Prime Minister Theresa May prepares to move into her new home, a report suggests the UK’s second female PM is looking to replace some of the historical works of art on show with something a bit more modern. iNews says that May’s aides are planning to hang framed quotes of her maiden prime ministerial speech.

“The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of a privileged few, but by yours,” is among the lines that could be selected and hung upon the walls of her new, ministerial home.

By Editor

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