Floating floor

While talking about home improvement, the floors are one of the main places that need to be formed properly. Floating floor is one such way of flooring that gives a classy yet sturdy look to your home. Floating flooring is a term used to demonstrate a type of floor installation.  But nowadays it is widely used as an independent floor type. In floating flooring, glue, nails or staples are not needed to fix the wooden layers. Here the floor layers are being placed without any glue. They automatically get attached to the subfloors.

How does floating flooring work?

In this type there are 3 to 7 layers of plywood are being used. The pieces are placed and attached with the subfloors with the help of locks. It mostly looks like jigsaw puzzles. One of a unique thing about floating floor is the pieces expand and contract with the temperature of the room. Since the pieces are attached with a lock system, the entire floor gets expanded or contracted at a time and as a whole in the same synchronisation.

Types of floating flooring:

  • Rotary Cut: Here the layers are created by peeling off the pieces from the log. This does not have much premium look.
  • Sliced Cut: Here the layers are created by cutting out the slices from the logs or timbers. The slices are used as floor layers. These types of layers look finer and more premium.

A role of Floating Floor in home improvement:

When you talk about home improvement, you make sure to choose affordable yet sturdy things that will have classy look. Floating flooring has all these mentioned features that are helpful for the home improvement. Some of the main advantages of such floors are:

  • They are easy to install. As mentioned, floating flooring does not need any glue or nails, it does not need any trained mechanic as well.  Home Owners can easily install it themselves following the instructions were given and save the cost of hiring a professional.
  •  As it has 7 layers the floors seem to be sturdier than other engineered wooden floors. They last longer than laminate floors.
  • These 7 layers or plywood is extremely good to resist moistures inside the house. If you have chosen basement or any other room for floating flooring, then there will not be any difficulty due to wetness. They can last longer even with maximum dampness.
  • Floating floor is perfect places or areas that have extreme levels of humidity, for these areas. Layers in this method of flooring get expanded and contracted with humidity. So, the expansion and contraction will take place as a whole.
  •  Due to the installation process, no gaps are left between the layers or pieces on the floor. This makes them stronger and healthier.
  • They are easy to maintain and easier to replace. As they are not attached or fixed with the subfloor under the layered floors, one can easily remove the upper layers of the floating floor and replace them with new designs.
  • Diverse designs and patterns are widely available for floating flooring. You can select any of them according to your house pattern and theme.

Floating floors are a type of engineered hardwood flooring. It is inevitable that the biggest uniqueness about it is that it is not attached with glue or staple like other engineered floors. These types of floors are affordable as well. They come in pieces and with an instruction or demonstration book which anyone can follow for the installation process. Floating floor is one of the most used methods in rainy and cold areas.

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