
Change in weather is a constant phenomenon we all experience. Both the cold winters and the hot summers can force us to stay indoors. Air conditioners and heating appliances have become a must-have in every household today as they can save us from extreme conditions

However, constant use can become very expensive and the bills generated due to the use of heaters and air conditioners usually take up a chunk out of the household budget. If you feel the same way and are looking for a way around it, worry not! We have enlisted few hacks for keeping your home feeling comfortable and at the same time, help you save some money.

Cooling hacks

1) Getting your AC serviced at least once a year can help you avoid unnecessary expense caused due to system failures. Make sure to book your service before the summer season sets in as the companies get busy in the peak season.

2) Make sure to clean out all the dirt or anything blocking the air flow around your air conditioner.

3) Unless the weather is extremely humid, keep your AC fan speed on low to achieve effective cooling.

4) Replace your old air conditioner. Did you know that the electricity cost of running an old AC can turn out to be more expensive in the long run than replacing it with a new one?

Companies like Zipf-Air offer a free estimate for installation for new cooling and heating appliances!

5) The air is cool at night and during early mornings. Make sure to keep your windows and doors open to let cool air into your homes.

6) Make sure that your curtains are closed during the day to prevent the hot rays from heating up your home.

7) Plant houseplants in areas where direct sunlight hits your home. These plants will help absorb some of the heat.

8) Cold places attract heat, so make sure to turn off your AC when you leave your homes and only switch it on when you return.

Heating hacks

1) Do not keep your sofa or any other furniture that will absorb the heat directly in front of the radiator. This will also create space for the hot air to circulate and in-turn keep the room warmer.

2) Before winter sets in, make sure to seal all gaps around doors and windows through which chilly air can enter your house. You can use self-adhesive rubber seals which are easy to use, work like magic and are pretty cheap.

3) Similar to the air conditioner, servicing of your heating system beforehand will ensure proper functioning and can save you repair money.

4) Replace any old machine with a new and efficient one to save electricity and repair costs.

These hacks will help you stay safe and happy inside your home no matter what the weather condition is. The best part is that you do not have to worry about receiving expensive bills! Reduced usage of these appliances also helps in reducing our carbon footprint! Happy prepping!

By Editor

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