Selling Your Home

They say that real estate is a buyers’ market. Once you put your home for sale, you are looking for every opportunity to impress the potential buyers. Still, before you put your house on the market, there are a few things you need to do to make it more appealing. This list has them all rounded up, in case you forget something.

Consult the experts

You may be motivated to sell, but chances are you are not a realtor. Understanding the mechanics of real estate market fluctuations is sometimes tricky, so ask professionals to appraise your house. At the same time, they can assess other properties in your area and tell you if it is a good time to sell it or not. If you have already found the place you want to move, a realtor can tell you its real worth or provide alternatives based on your budget. The most important thing is to have realistic goals based on your finances and the market.

Give it a good cleaning…

The buyers are always looking for signs of negligence and a lack of care, hoping to lower the price. You need to clean every part of your home meticulously. There is no better time for the big clean-up. Scrub the floors,  according to the material guidelines and buff and wax where needed. Although it is customary for the new owners to repaint the walls, if you do it beforehand, your rooms will be more inviting. This is also a perfect opportunity to get rid of things you don’t need.

…And a facelift

Before potential buyers step inside your home, the first thing they see is the house from the outside. Walk down your yard with a notepad and make a list of things that need fixing. Check the fence for cracks or peeled paint, mow the lawn, and clip the hedges and bushes. Make sure the plants have enough water. Make a wheelbarrow tour and pick up any junk and debris that might be laying around. Use a gardener’s knife to pull out the weeds between the path blocks. Freshen up the façade if it is damaged and treat the woodwork with a coat of paint or wood polish.

Tip: While it is quite unlikely that a potential buyer will ask to climb the roof, you should also replace broken or misplaced shingles, as well as clean the gutters. This will prevent any potential leaks and unnecessary repair costs.

Fix the interior

Apart from looking nice, your home for sale needs to function properly. Before you open your door to the interested parties, make sure you repair everything that is broken or malfunctioning, including dents and scratches on the corners and doorways. Check for damaged doors, tiles and knobs and make sure all the appliances you are leaving behind are working properly.

The kitchen and the bathroom are the most critical areas, as they are frequently used every day. Whether in the toilet, floor drain, kitchen sink or sewer, clogged drains may lead to serious plumbing issues. Some blockages may be cleared quite simply by means of a drain cleaner or plunger, while others will require professional help. Genuine pros, as these Epping-based experts for blocked drains arrive at your doorstep on time, every time, and apply a tried and trusted process in order to get things back in order for you as efficiently as possible.

Show its personality

Already mentioned above, the home you are selling needs to be clean and de-cluttered before the first buyers arrive. Still, you don’t want to depersonalize the home completely. People who are looking to buy a home need to visualize their future décor, but they might become more attached to your house if you show them it has a homey character. They will feel more “at home” if they see flowers in vases, a few family photos and fresh towels in bathrooms.

Once you team up with a reputable realtor, start improving your house. Selling a home is not a small task, but if you do everything right, you have more chances to sell than people down the street.

By Editor

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