Host a Party at Home

A year has passed since the world wide invasion of the corona virus and our lives are still not fully back to its original state. So much has happened, so much has changed. One thing remained constant, we still love to hang out and spend time with our friends and family even amidst this chaos. It is not a rare occasion for friends and family to visit your home after all the while that we were forced to stay inside our homes to protect ourselves from the virus. Everyone surely has missed one another, not being able to chat face to face and hug one another.

There is an occasion or none, time with them is an essential part of our daily lives. The question is, are you now ready and prepared to welcome guests into your home?

In this blog, we will talk about ways or simple steps we can do to prepare our home for that long awaited special gathering. Let’s look at these tips we have prepared for you.

Sanitise and clean your home before and after.

The very first step for your preparation is sanitising your home. What better way to make your guests feel at home than entertaining them in not just a comfortable but more importantly a clean and sanitised environment? Here are a few important things you will need for your activity:

  • Cleaning Supplies for the surfaces (bleaches, detergents, abrasive cleaners etc.)
  • Virus Killers for hand sanitation (Isopropyl Alcohol 100%, Ethanol, Hospital Grade Disinfectant)

Visible dirts must be cleaned right away and surfaces must be disinfected frequently with or without a gathering at home to host. Spills on surfaces must also be wiped and dried to avoid contamination. It is important to use suitable disinfectants according to the surface you are to use it for. Follow instructions on how to use the product to avoid damage to surfaces or to your skin.

Do not forget about the clutter! Put away things that are not for use of other people and everything that is lying around the floor and corners. Clutter will not only make your home look messy but it can also cause untoward incidents when there are many people around. For example, bits of paper or small toys can cause someone to slip, fall and most probably hurt themselves.

You never know what your guests might bring for you, gifts and even germs and viruses. You will be spending quite a generous amount of time together, not knowing that you may be sharing germs to one another. That is why you must also make sure that alcohol-based hand sanitiser is readily available upon entry of guests to also encourage them to sanitise their hands and let them know that you are serious when it comes to hand hygiene and cleanliness in your home. The spread of germs must be stopped right in your doorstep.

After the gathering, tidying up is not the only task you must accomplish. Sanitation and disinfection is again a must to ensure that germs do not linger in your home long enough to be contracted by your family.

Wrapping Up

Getting together with your family and friends can be really fun but we also have to take precautions especially with what is happening in the world right now. Cleaning materials, disinfectant and sanitising agents will be your defense against germs and viruses inside or outside your home.

By Editor

HIHC has great articles & tips to help with Inexpensive Home Improvement,Home decor. Home Remodelling Estimates and products to get a good Home Renovation completed.

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